Rehab Stretches and Exercises

We give you the tools to take care of yourself.

We encourage all of our patients to take an active role in their care, because we know it helps them feel and move better as quick as possible. Whether you’re a high-performance athlete overcoming injury, or just trying to get out of your chair with pain, the proper stretches/exercises will help you achieve your goal.

We go over stretches and exercises with you in the office that you’re able to perform and will help your condition improve even outside of the office. At follow-up visits, we make sure you’re performing your recommended stretches/exercises correctly, and tweak them if we need to.

You’ll experience quicker results with better movement and decreased pain, as well as better posture, than if you don’t do anything outside of the office. Oftentimes, you are able to use these same stretches and exercises to help you in the future if similar pain returns. This gives you more control of your pain and empowers you to take more control of your own health.